It is said that our health depends on our state of mind. If you are down or depressed, your health will suffer. We are told to think positive. Let me turn that on its head and tell you that negative will have a positive effect on your health. Huh!
Positive does not always mean good. Let me explain. Positive ions are in the air and produced by so many of the things that are around us every day. Things such as fluorescent lights, computer terminals, microwaves and so many other electronics that we feel compelled to surround ourselves with in today's society.
Positive ions have a negative effect on our health. Positive ions cause stress. It is not always the work that makes us stressed but the work environment.
To combat this stressful life that we are getting ourselves into we must reduce the positive and replace it with the negative. Negative ions actually reduce stress as well as remove those distressing allergens from the air.
Negative ions are produced naturally by plants and running water and are in abundance in the mountains far from the dirty cities. That is why you will always feel healthier when you are in the mountains or by a babbling stream.
To bring that environment into our own homes or work place we must reproduce the actions of the water. We do that by installing floor fountains. A floor standing fountain will not only reduce the positive ions in the air but will replace them with negative ions. A floor fountain resembles the mountain stream that we would like to be sitting next to.
Surround the floor standing fountain with plants and you will begin to have the makings of the forest. The negative ions from the water will make the plants grow bigger, stronger and more luscious. They in turn will help increase the negative ions.
When you install your floor fountain, do not get one that is so small for the location that it would not be effective nor get one that is so large that it is overbearing. There are many floor standing fountains on the market, such as the Gardenfall Waterfall fountain that you will easily find one to fit your needs.
Floor fountains are very inexpensive and come in so many sizes and shapes and made of so many materials such as stone, slate, copper, bronze, glass or resin and in so many colors that it is impossible not to get one that is perfect for you. If it is for your business, you can even have your company logo engraved on it. If you can trace your own family line far enough back, you may even want to add your family crest.
A floor fountain is the single most effective way to reduce the positive ions that are bombarding you every moment of the day. You will feel healthier, the allergies will decrease and you will breathe better. Healthier lungs will mean that you will sleep better. this will all have a positive effect on your life - or was that negative effect?
Let me re-emphasize, negative ions mean positive health. Negative ions are produced by flowing water. Fountains produce flowing water and therefore negative ions. Take a positive attitude and get a floor fountain to improve your health today.
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