Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Prehistoric Romance

To get Prehistoric Romance, grab the cavewoman in Touchmounds, take her through the fountain statue and score 5M points. This is a bronze trophy from homerjnick of the Oochmasters clan. If you thought homerjnick's other bronzes were hard, you haven't tried this one! Cavewoman, as sweet and articulate as she is, is an anchor! Getting her to the statue is like a Herculean chore, and The Hoff often spends his super ooch to that end, but not on this run. You can get some help from the stupidos driving the golf carts, but they more often push you the wrong way or block your path at the statue. But not on this run. Then, once you've kissed Cavewoman goodbye (The Hoff's line at 0:25 might be the best line that any PAIN character says! And he says it while he's got his hand on Neanderthal's butt.) you still have to get 5000000 points in Touchmounds. 5M?! Have you tried that on this level? Watch the points on this run, it absolutely looks impossible that The Hoff will ever get 5M before 4 minutes. At 1 minute he has 143000. He doesn't get 500000 until 1:56, and he needs 10 times that many points! He does well on the western stage, but still doesn't even get 1M until 2:21, when the cop car first hits him. But it also pushes him away from a propane tank, bummer. The Hoff did well in the Roman Colosseum, I'll give him that. He took out the gladiator chariot in style. But by the time he landed after ooching over and blowing up the crate of dynamite the timer was almost at 3 minutes ...

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